Uses of Package

Packages that use org.egothor.core.query
org.egothor.apps This package contains EGOTHOR applications. 
org.egothor.cache Provides classes that help implementing a cache for the egothor project. 
org.egothor.core This package concentrates the core data objects and interfaces. 
org.egothor.core.memory This package contains an implementation of barrels in memory. 
org.egothor.core.query This package contains objects that represent a structure of a query in our inner and binary form, readers of a barrel and a result queue. 
org.egothor.dir This package defines objects of distributed IR layer. 
org.egothor.query This package contains objects that represent a structure of a query in our inner form. 
org.egothor.query.parser This package defines JavaCC parser of user's query. 
org.egothor.query.runner This package defines a machinery that navigates the rider during query execution in the Vector model
org.egothor.slotter This package is responsible for management of arrays of DynStruct objects. This package contains an implementation of barrels on a hard disk. 

Classes in org.egothor.core.query used by org.egothor.apps
          The Query class represents an inner form of a query or its subpart (AND, OR, NOT, etc.), while the binary form is represented by Runner.

Classes in org.egothor.core.query used by org.egothor.cache
          The Hit class represents a document returned as a result of a query.
          The Query class represents an inner form of a query or its subpart (AND, OR, NOT, etc.), while the binary form is represented by Runner.

Classes in org.egothor.core.query used by org.egothor.core
          The Query class represents an inner form of a query or its subpart (AND, OR, NOT, etc.), while the binary form is represented by Runner.
          A ResultList is a collection of Hits.

Classes in org.egothor.core.query used by org.egothor.core.memory
          The Query class represents an inner form of a query or its subpart (AND, OR, NOT, etc.), while the binary form is represented by Runner.
          A ResultList is a collection of Hits.

Classes in org.egothor.core.query used by org.egothor.core.query
          The Hit class represents a document returned as a result of a query.
          The Query class represents an inner form of a query or its subpart (AND, OR, NOT, etc.), while the binary form is represented by Runner.
          A ResultList is a collection of Hits.
          When a query needs an access to an index, it gets a Rider.
          The Runner object is the gateway between the user making a query and the inverted lists created by the indexer.

Classes in org.egothor.core.query used by org.egothor.dir
          The Query class represents an inner form of a query or its subpart (AND, OR, NOT, etc.), while the binary form is represented by Runner.
          A ResultList is a collection of Hits.

Classes in org.egothor.core.query used by org.egothor.query
          The Query class represents an inner form of a query or its subpart (AND, OR, NOT, etc.), while the binary form is represented by Runner.
          When a query needs an access to an index, it gets a Rider.
          The Runner object is the gateway between the user making a query and the inverted lists created by the indexer.

Classes in org.egothor.core.query used by org.egothor.query.parser
          The Query class represents an inner form of a query or its subpart (AND, OR, NOT, etc.), while the binary form is represented by Runner.

Classes in org.egothor.core.query used by org.egothor.query.runner
          When a query needs an access to an index, it gets a Rider.
          The Runner object is the gateway between the user making a query and the inverted lists created by the indexer.

Classes in org.egothor.core.query used by org.egothor.slotter
          The Query class represents an inner form of a query or its subpart (AND, OR, NOT, etc.), while the binary form is represented by Runner.
          A ResultList is a collection of Hits.

Classes in org.egothor.core.query used by
          The Query class represents an inner form of a query or its subpart (AND, OR, NOT, etc.), while the binary form is represented by Runner.
          A ResultList is a collection of Hits.