Uses of Class

Packages that use File
org.egothor.apps This package contains EGOTHOR applications. 
org.egothor.duplicity.apps This package contains applications using the duplicity checking algorithm. 
org.egothor.duplicity.file This package contains implementation of the files needed the duplicity checking algorithm. 

Uses of File in org.egothor.apps

Methods in org.egothor.apps with parameters of type File
 void Directory.indexIt(File location, java.lang.String as)
          Index the given file.
 void Directory.parse(File file, java.lang.String location, java.lang.String contentType, java.lang.String fileCharset)
          Parse the given file.
 void Directory.printL(File a)
          Print the given String to stdout.

Uses of File in org.egothor.duplicity.apps

Fields in org.egothor.duplicity.apps with type parameters of type File
static java.util.Comparator<File> AppsCommon.fileComp
          Comparator sorts files alphabetically.

Methods in org.egothor.duplicity.apps with parameters of type File
static void AppsCommon.printL(File a, int indentation)
          Print the name of given File to stdout with given indentation.

Uses of File in org.egothor.duplicity.file

Fields in org.egothor.duplicity.file declared as File
protected  File DuplicityCheckingFile.out
          The filesystem file corresponding to this file.

Methods in org.egothor.duplicity.file that return File
 File DuplicityCheckingFile.getOut()

Uses of File in org.egothor.duplicity.generator

Methods in org.egothor.duplicity.generator with parameters of type File
static DocumentGenerator DocumentGenerator.createNew(java.lang.String output, File unitList, File wordList, logOut, int paragraphs, double paragraphsDeviation, int sentences, double sentencesDeviation, int words, double wordsDeviation, int plagiarismRatio, int wordChangesRatio)

Constructors in org.egothor.duplicity.generator with parameters of type File
DocumentGenerator(java.lang.String output, File unitList, File wordList, logOut, int paragraphs, double paragraphsDeviation, int sentences, double sentencesDeviation, int words, double wordsDeviation, int plagiarismRatio, int wordChangesRatio)

Uses of File in

Subclasses of File in
 class FileLocal
          This class is part of the Egothor Project

Methods in that return File
abstract  File[] File.listFiles()
 File[] FileLocal.listFiles()
abstract  File File.newFile(java.lang.String relativePath)
          Constructs a sub-file.
 File FileLocal.newFile(java.lang.String relativePath)
 File FileManager.newFile(java.lang.String filename)
          Description of the Method

Methods in with parameters of type File
abstract  void File.renameTo(File dest)
 void FileLocal.renameTo(File dest)

Uses of File in org.egothor.parser.transformer

Methods in org.egothor.parser.transformer that return File
 File Pdf2Html.transform(File pdfFile)

Methods in org.egothor.parser.transformer with parameters of type File
 File Pdf2Html.transform(File pdfFile)

Constructors in org.egothor.parser.transformer with parameters of type File
Pdf2Html(File tmpDirectory)
          Creates a new instance of Pdf2Html

Uses of File in org.egothor.repository

Methods in org.egothor.repository with parameters of type File
 int BlobRepository.acceptInto(long key, File blob)