Once you've gotten Ant installed, you can run anyone of the following Ant commands:
ant info will print to the console a list of the tasks available within Egothor's build.xml file.
ant clean will remove any directories or files that were created as a result of running an Ant task.
ant jar will create the jar files necessary to run Ant on your computer.
ant war will create a war file to put into your Tomcat server.
ant compile will compile Egothor's source files.
ant comp_jcc will compile the JavaCC parsers. Use this task only if you've created your own parser, or modified the one supplied with Egothor. This task assumes that you have already installed the JavaCC somewhere on your computer. See Optional Software for information about downloading the JavaCC.
ant comp_stem will compile the stemmer tables that Egothor uses when teaching itself your language.
ant docs will run Javadoc on Egothor's source code.
ant dist will run the jar, war, docs, and comp_stem tasks.
ant book will produce, using the DocBook format, a short user guide to Egothor.
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