Uses of Class

Packages that use PermutatedMinsFiller
org.egothor.core This package concentrates the core data objects and interfaces. 
org.egothor.duplicity.algorithm This package contains top-level classes that implement the duplicity checking algorithm. 

Uses of PermutatedMinsFiller in org.egothor.core

Methods in org.egothor.core with parameters of type PermutatedMinsFiller
 void DocumentData.computeMins(PermutatedMinsFiller permutatedMinsFiller)

Uses of PermutatedMinsFiller in org.egothor.duplicity.algorithm

Subclasses of PermutatedMinsFiller in org.egothor.duplicity.algorithm
 class DocumentLevelPermutatedMinsFiller
          Fills the DocumentPermutatedMins with values corrensponding to the given sequence of tokens.
 class ParagraphLevelPermutatedMinsFiller
          Fills the DocumentPermutatedMins with values corrensponding to the given sequence of tokens.
 class SentenceLevelPermutatedMinsFiller
          Fills the DocumentPermutatedMins with values corrensponding to the given sequence of tokens.

Methods in org.egothor.duplicity.algorithm that return PermutatedMinsFiller
static PermutatedMinsFiller PermutatedMinsFiller.createNew()
          Ensures that the right child is created according to the duplicity checking algorithm level set in Constants.CHECK_DUPLICITY_LEVEL.
static PermutatedMinsFiller PermutatedMinsFiller.createNew(long seed)
          Ensures that the right child is created according to the duplicity checking algorithm level set in Constants.CHECK_DUPLICITY_LEVEL.