Uses of Class

Packages that use DuplicityCheckingFileElement
org.egothor.duplicity.datastructure This package contains datastructures needed in the duplicity checking algorithm. 
org.egothor.duplicity.file This package contains implementation of the files needed the duplicity checking algorithm. 

Uses of DuplicityCheckingFileElement in org.egothor.duplicity.datastructure

Subclasses of DuplicityCheckingFileElement in org.egothor.duplicity.datastructure
 class JaccardCoeficient
          Represents pair of two documents together with its Jaccard coeficient.
 class UnitPair
          Represents single pair of two unit identifications.
 class UnitPermutatedMin
          Represents single pair of the duplicity checking unit and its permutated minimum.

Uses of DuplicityCheckingFileElement in org.egothor.duplicity.file

Methods in org.egothor.duplicity.file with parameters of type DuplicityCheckingFileElement
protected  java.lang.String DuplicityCheckingFile.dump(DuplicityCheckingFileElement element)
          Dumps the file with its content to String.
 boolean DuplicityCheckingFile.hasTheSameContent(DuplicityCheckingFile file, DuplicityCheckingFileElement element1, DuplicityCheckingFileElement element2)
          Checks if two files has the same content.
protected  void DuplicityCheckingFile.remove(DuplicityCheckingFileElement element, java.util.Set<DocumentUnitID> toRemove)
          Removes all occurences of documents given in the set from the file.

Method parameters in org.egothor.duplicity.file with type arguments of type DuplicityCheckingFileElement
protected  void DuplicityCheckingFile.initFromProducer(java.lang.String location, java.util.List<? extends DuplicityCheckingFileElement> buffer)
          Initialializes the file by writing buffer content to disk.