Uses of Class

Packages that use Tanker
org.egothor.dir This package defines objects of distributed IR layer. 
org.egothor.duplicity.algorithm This package contains top-level classes that implement the duplicity checking algorithm. 
org.egothor.duplicity.apps This package contains applications using the duplicity checking algorithm. 

Uses of Tanker in org.egothor.dir

Subclasses of Tanker in org.egothor.dir
 class TankerImpl
          This object encapsulates core Tanker structure with some routines which make the life of a programmer easier.
 class TankerImplSecure
          This object encapsulates standard TankerImpl and adds multithread safe behavior.

Constructors in org.egothor.dir with parameters of type Tanker
BufferedTanker(int cacheSize, Tanker orig)
          Constructor for the BufferedTanker object.
BufferedTanker(Tanker orig)

Uses of Tanker in org.egothor.duplicity.algorithm

Subclasses of Tanker in org.egothor.duplicity.algorithm
 class TankerImplDuplicityChecker
          This object encapsulates standard TankerImplSecure and adds duplicity checking ability.

Uses of Tanker in org.egothor.duplicity.apps

Methods in org.egothor.duplicity.apps with parameters of type Tanker
static long AppsCommon.getUID(java.lang.String filename, Tanker tanker)
          Find a unique identificator for the document with given filename.